Henry Armstrong

Always a work in progress!

QCQ #12

“For all these reasons, as well as others, it is the only one of the four that has attracted the ire and the angst of the mainstream legal academy.” (West 208)

It’s interesting to note that this study of the narrative voice is the only one that didn’t originate in the law and literature movement and is the most “out there” of the four in that sense. Thus, it is controversial as seemingly anything that tries to truly push the boundary often is

Why do we default back to defensive positions when we encounter something that we may even understand what its core idea is but maybe not exactly fit into the worldview, and does the mainstream legal academy fear being outdated by this one idea?

QCQ #11

“We may laugh at it; but it is not the less a miserable destiny, and one, moreover, which it is often almost impossible for a young woman to shake off.”

This passage describes the way one in society will forget the real person behind a concept such as an “old maid”.

How well do stereotypes dehumanize a person, and how easily to we prefer to believe them without considering the whole person and situation?

QCQ #9

“And now, Miss Smithers,” said James, when she had done, “I am very sorry to have to do so; but I must ask you to exhibit the document to the Court.” Poor Augusta coloured and her eyes filled with tears, as she slowly undid the dust-cloak which hid her shoulders (for, of course, she had come in low dress). The Judge, looking up sharply, observed her natural distress. “If you prefer it, Miss Smithers,” said his Lordship, courteously, “I will order the court to be cleared of every-one except those who are actually engaged in the case.” At these ominous words a shudder of disgust passed through the densely packed ranks. It would indeed, they felt, after all their striving, be hard if they were deprived of the sight of the will; and they stared at her despairingly, to see what she would answer. “I thank your Lordship,” she said, with a little bow; “but there would still be so many left that I do not think that it would greatly matter. I hope that everybody will understand my position, and extend their consideration to me.” “Very well,” said the Judge, and without further ado she took off the cloak, and the silk handkerchief beneath it, and stood before the court dressed in a low black dress. “I am afraid that I must ask you to come up here,” said his Lordship. Accordingly she walked round, mounted the bench, and then turned her back to the Judge, in order that he might examine what was written on it. This he did very carefully with the aid of a magnifying glass, referring now and again to the photographic copy which Doctor Probate had filed in the Registry. “Thank you,” he said presently, “that will do. I am afraid that the learned counsel below will wish to have an opportunity of inspection.” So Augusta had to descend and slowly walk along the ranks, stopping before every learned leader to be carefully examined, while hundreds of eager eyes in the background were fixed upon her unfortunate neck. However, at last it came to an end. “That will do, Miss Smithers,” said the Judge, for whose consideration she felt deeply grateful; “you can put on your cloak again now.” Accordingly she did so and re-entered the box. (pgs. 137-138)

Since the will itself needed to be viewed from right off her body, the court itself has to make her undress to her low black dress, mortifying her as she must be exposed to the whole of the court while attempting to keep her composure.

It’s interesting to note how much attitudes towards not only tattoos, but outfits have changed as well. How low exactly is her dress, and would it be viewed as anything abnormal today in the slightest?

QCQ #7

“The plan may be a very good one, to prevent the prostitute being waylaid as she left the hospital by some of her old associates, but it did not seem to occur to the would-be benefactors of the girl that the arrival of a parishioner in charge of a policeman creates a great sensation in a little country community. They did not seem to have contemplated the possibility of the fact that the villagers become curious to learn what Mary Smith has been doing at —; I ventured to suggest to the authorities that the village gossips would probably over their tea hint at her gay doings, and that the young men would not long be idle in ferreting out her antecedents; and the quiet village, notwithstanding all the care of the rector or aid of his good wife, would be made very disagreeable for the fair penitent who had once quitted her home on an evil errand, and it too often happens she will quit it again, no more to return to her native place.” (the Lock Assylum)

As the author points out, if the government prevented these women from leaving unless they were accompanied by a police officer, everyone would grow suspicious of their doings and they would be ostracized, forcing them away from their town and driven down a further path.

Did the government really not intend for these women to be potentially caught in this harsh cycle and not really think it through, or was it a backhanded attempt to keep them away from the rest of society, and force them to be outcasts?

QCQ #6

“These words rang like a tolling bell through Ruth’s head. It seemed to
her that her doom was certain. Leonard would be taken from her! She
had a firm conviction—not the less firm because she knew not on what it
was based—that a child, whether legitimate or not, belonged of legal
right to the father. And Leonard, of all children, was the prince and
monarch. Every man’s heart would long to call Leonard “Child!” She had
been too strongly taxed to have much power left her to reason coolly and
dispassionately, just then, even if she had been with any one who could
furnish her with information from which to draw correct conclusions.
The one thought haunted her night and day—”He will take my child away
from me!” In her dreams she saw Leonard borne away into some dim
land, to which she could not follow. Sometimes he sat in a swiftly moving carriage, at his father’s side, and smiled on her as he passed by,
as if going to promised pleasure. At another time he was struggling to
return to her; stretching out his little arms, and crying to her for the help
she could not give. How she got through the days, she did not know; her
body moved about and habitually acted, but her spirit was with her child.” (Chapter 24, Pg. 265)

Ruth is terrified that Leonard will be taken away from her, as she is perceived as a “fallen woman” and thus an unfit mother, therefore she has no right to care for her child, and horrible fantasies run rampant in her head.

Going back to the Custody of Infants act, although Ruth should had custody of her own child, however she does sincerely believe Leonard will be taken from her, and she isn’t completely wrong as in the period a single unwed mother would most likely be viewed as unfit, so how much power did men have in those decisions, even if the men would only be able to provide a lesser experience?

QCQ #5

“It seemed to the poor child as if Mrs. Mason’s words were irrevocable,
and, that being so, she was shut out from every house. She saw how
much she had done that was deserving of blame, now when it was too
late to undo it. She knew with what severity and taunts Mrs. Mason had
often treated her for involuntary failings, of which she had been quite
unconscious; and now she had really done wrong, and shrank with terror
from the consequences. Her eyes were so blinded by the fast-falling
tears, she did not see (nor had she seen would she have been able to
interpret) the change in Mr. Bellingham’s countenance, as he stood
silently watching her. He was silent so long, that even in her sorrow she
began to wonder that he did not speak, and to wish to hear his soothing
words once more” (Ch. 4, Pg. 50)

Mrs. Mason stating that she’s no longer allowed in her house or near her at all for fear of being associated with Ruth plays directly into Ruth’s fears and shame of herself, and her vulnerability is profoundly highlighted here, along with Mr. Bellingham’s not fully caring about her situation by only partially listening.

How much does she actually like Mr. Bellingham as a person, versus how much does she more so like the idea of Mr. Bellingham as an entity, with the general caring and protection he provides. Does Mr. Bellingham actually care about her at all?

QCQ #4

“to make Order that such Infant or Infants shall be delivered to and remain in the Custody of the Petitioner until such Age, subject to such Regulations as he shall deem convenient and just.”

This act allowed divorced women to actually get custody of their children, which was utterly unobtainable prior to this act, also making divorce not seem quite as much as some forbidden action and more like an action than can be actually be used and undertaken.

Although parliament was swayed by the decision and passed the act, how did more rigid traditional opponents of divorce like the church take it, and furthermore did they feel betrayed by parliment?

QCQ #3

“At the first appearance of dawn, I rose, and brought the manuscript to the window, but
it was impossible to read it yet. I devoted half an hour to dressing, and then returned to
it again. Now, with a little difficulty, I could manage; and with intense and eager interest,
I devoured the remainder of its contents. When it was ended, and my transient regret at
its abrupt conclusion was over, I opened the window and put out my head to catch the
cooling breeze, and imbibe deep draughts of the pure morning air. A splendid morning
it was; the half-frozen dew lay thick on the grass, the swallows were twittering round
me, the rooks cawing, and cows lowing in the distance; and early frost and summer
sunshine mingled their sweetness in the air. But I did not think of that: a confusion of
countless thoughts and varied emotions crowded upon me while I gazed abstractedly
on the lovely face of nature. Soon, however, this chaos of thoughts and passions cleared
away, giving place to two distinct emotions: joy unspeakable that my adored Helen was
all I wished to think her—that through the noisome vapours of the world’s aspersions
and my own fancied convictions, her character shone bright, and clear, and stainless as
that sun I could not bear to look on; and shame and deep remorse for my own conduct.” (Pg. 246)

To sate his own fears and curiosity, Gilbert reads through Helen’s diary in chapter 45, and he finds newfound conviction and happiness that she’s everything he hoped she would and could be, possibly symbolized by him throwing his head out the window to breathe in the air of a new fresh day, and sets out to see her again, however he does feel a slight amount of guilt from looking through her diary and her secrets, one of the few personal things she actually has in this world, as well as only seeing it in the context of himself.

While Gilbert is reading her diary with good intention and a naïve nature akin to a child, he is clearly trying to determine if she is up to his standards, even if that means a complete breach of privacy. Thus, is Gilbert really still worthy of her if he’s utterly betrayed her trust by reading her diary and repeating the secrets within?

My Favorite Meal

For me, it’s very hard to pin down one specific meal as my favorite. Though I’ve been on earth only nineteen years, I like to think that I’ve had my fair share of culinary experiences from some reasonably extensive travel in Europe as well as a few crossings of the United States under my belt. However, the dish that really sticks with me the most is a dish my father started making around the year 2016. If I recall correctly, it was created after a trip to the grocery store where he’d gotten an assortment of culinary odds and ends and decided to make a meal of it while keeping it quite healthy.  Each time he serves it, it is slightly different though it consists of a core of rice, ginger, soy sauce, mango or pineapple, peppers (sometimes spicy, sometimes not so much) tofu and basil. As I said before, each time it’s a little different than the last but those are the general core ingredients upon which he improvises. It’s not a real glamorous meal, nor is it a recipe that’s been passed down from generation to generation, but the effort, care and taste make it ultimately my favorite home cooked meal and quite possibly my most favorite meal, and someday soon I hope to sit down and learn precisely what the collection of ingredients precisely is so I may cook it for myself, and someday perhaps even hand it down to another generation, creating a culinary legend from a improvised mess of food.

QCQ #2

“I will; but answer me this one question first;—do you love me?”

“I will not answer it!”

“Then I will conclude you do; and so good-night.”

She turned from me to hide the emotion she could not quite control; but I took her hand and fervently kissed it.

“Gilbert, do leave me!” she cried, in a tone of such thrilling anguish that I felt it would be cruel to disobey.

This passage shows just the level of strain on Helen from her situation and the discrepancies in their world, where Gilbert, as a respected man, can freely declare his love, but Helen, a single mother, wouldn’t dare say anything like that for fear of further ostracization or worse from the rest of society. Why can’t Gilbert understand the situation and simply leave he be, or fully understand where she’s coming from?

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